![]() We have seen a ton of updates coming to Pokemon Go, including the release of Generation 6 Pokemon and the increased level cap to Level 50. Here is an overview of the latest additions and events going on in Pokemon Go now. Season of Celebration December 1, 2020 to March 1, 2021 The Season of Celebration is Pokemon Go's first season. The event features boosted spawns of select Pokemon, changes to Eggs, and Mega Raids including Mega Charizard X, Mega Gengar, and Mega Abomasnow. Kalos Celebration Event December 2 to December 8, 2020 Kalos Pokemon are finally here! This event is the perfect time to kickoff your Kalos collection with increased Gen 6 Pokemon Spawns. There is also a 6-step Timed Research event which will help you catch Bunnelby and Fletchling. Litleo and Espurr will also be appearing in one-star raids.
![]() Legacy 40 Challenge December 1, 2020 to Decmebr 31, 2020 This Timed Research challenge is only available to Level 40 players. ![]() XL Candy XL Candy can be used to level up Pokemon past level 40 and up to level 50. Leveling up Pokemon beyond level 40 will cost a relatively large amount of stardust (10-15 thousand per 1/2 level). Like regular candy, each one is specific to the Pokemon's species. XL Candy can be gained in the same ways as regular candy, although the amount earned is randomized. You can also exchange 100 regular candy for 1 XL candy. And if you need help getting some extra Stardust (I sure do!), check out this guide.
December 2020